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Kendo - Japan: meaning "Way of The Sword" is a style of fencing derived during the Meiji period in Japan (1868-1912), from the two-handed sword fighting techniques of the samurai.

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Ninjutsu - This is a tough one, most documents or records I found simply point it to being the study of the historical arts of the Ninja covert agents or assassins of feudal Japan.

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Krav Maga

Krav Maga - From Israel: meaning "close combat or contact combat" A practical and tactical system which teaches how to prevent, deal and overcome all kinds of violence and attacks.

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Pankration - From Greece: meaning "all powerfull" - a mixed martial art of ancient Greece that was first introduced into the Olympic Games in 648 B.C., at the 33rd Olympiad.

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Kung Fu

Kung Fu - China: "skill achieved through hard work" An extremely disciplined, powerful martial art where strength is built in low stances and powerful blocks.

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Sambo - Russia: meaning "self defense without a weapon" - Created at the instigation of Vladimir Lenin during the Bolshevik Revolution in 1918 to improve the hand-to-hand combat skills of the military and the police, the secret self-defense training eventually spread to the masses and became an official, competitive Soviet sport in 1938.

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MMA - America: meaning "mixed martial arts" is a full contact combat sport that allows the use of both striking and grappling techniques, both standing and on the ground, including boxing, wrestling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, muay Thai, kickboxing, taekwondo, karate, judo and other styles.

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Savate – France: Savate takes its name from the French for old boot(heavy footwear used to be worn during fights) and is actually an amalgam of French street fighting techniques from the beginning of the 19th century. At that time, savate was a type of street fighting common in Paris and the north of France.

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Muay Thai

Muay Thai - Thailand: meaning "science of eight limbs" born on the battlefields of the 15th century, during the legendary clashes between Thai (or Siamese) armies and their bitter rivals, the Burmese (also referred to as Thai Boxing), and Savate (also referred to as Boxe Francais).

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Shurikenjutsu - Japan: meaning "sword hidden in the hand techniques" is a general term describing the traditional Japanese martial arts of throwing shuriken, which are small, hand-held weapons used primarily by the shinobi in feudal Japan, such as metal spikes bō shuriken, circular plates of metal known as hira shuriken, and knives (tantō).

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