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huddle 400Martial Arts is and has been a very positive influence on both the young and old. Unfortunately this experience can be costly and many are unable to partake in group instructed classes due to this cost. We want to make the martial arts experience accessible to those in our community who could normally not afford the price tag that comes with it. We also want to raise awareness of martial arts as an option for increasing health due to its physical fitness benefits as well as its mental health benefits.

As an active practitioner of TaeKwonDo, I have had wonderful opportunities throughout the learning experience which have forever changed me both physically and mentally. Those very positive changes have transcended into every aspect of my life. I truly believe that learning and practicing a martial art will have no less effect on others.

All of these arts focus on allowing you to become better by learning about yourself. It does not matter if you simply want to help focus your thoughts by practicing calming arts like Tai-Chi or want to get physically fit with TaeKwonDo, the benefit is improving yourself. This is why MARTiAL YOU is important.