The word "martial" in the context of martial arts can mean "war-like", "suitable for war" or our intended and chosen definition "characteristics of or befitting a warrior". So now we have characteristics of or befitting a warrior and we want to bestow those upon you! MARTiAL YOU.... Simple, to the point, and it defines our mission.
You will also notice the word martial in our name and logo is capitalized with the exception of the letter "i" which signifies the individual striving to become better. Though the capital letters surrounding the lowercase "i" are larger and seem dominating, the lowercase "i" stands out and is easily seen. Deliberately leaving the "i" lowercase also allows us to represent how an individual can stand on their own or can work with others to complete a thought, an idea or a goal.
This is further emphasized in our logo by showing the letter "i" as a different color which always matches that of the silhouette.
That is whats in the name.
martial pronounced [mahr-shuhl] adjective
you pronounced [yoo; unstressed yoo, yuh], possessive your or yours, objective you, plural you; noun, plural yous. pronoun
a) yourself; yourselves: Get you home. Make you ready. b) a plural form of the pronoun ye. noun